Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Neighborhood

I went for a lovely walk around the block yesterday and took some pictures of old farm equipment and weeds.  Funny how you can see beauty in things that don't sound like they should be pretty!

This is the shoe from a few posts ago.  It's still
there and starting to curl up and crack.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Trying to be good

I'm trying to be better about posting.  Here are some pictures from our trip to St. George on the 11th of the September.  I love my wide-angle!

Saturday, September 18, 2010 update!

It's not that I haven't been taking pictures...I just sort of forgot I had a blog to put them on.  So, here are a few I took on a recent hike in Provo Canyon, just to get the ball rolling again...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lost and Found

I know it's been a while, I haven't been doing a lot of fun photography for the last little bit but I got this shot on a bike ride with the Cooley's and Jeremiah last week that I thought was kinda cool. Someone had tied this shoe to the fence near our house, maybe so the owner would see it more easily?

I always wonder how this happens.  
Wouldn't you notice you only had one shoe left?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My nephew

I have a very adorable nephew.  Here is the evidence.

I rest my case.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Some Vacation Pictures

Here are some really quick pictures from our recent trip to San Diego.  I'm in a photography club and our assignment was fences, so I took some neat ones of those.  I also took some fun photos of our niece Elle.

She was trying to put her glasses on by herself.

My in-laws don't have a sandbox, so she just plays in the dirt.  :)

Tickle time with Poppy

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Even more restoration

I'm sitting in the final webinar of my class and decided to work on some of my most severely damaged pictures while listening to it.  I'm pretty happy with what I've been able to do but now I'm thinking I'm going to have to re-scan everything at 600 dpi (currently at 300 dpi) to get more data to play with.  I know, I'm crazy.

Friday, April 30, 2010

More Photo Restoration

I just finished the color restoration portion of my online class and now I'm have too much fun going through all of my old pictures from the 80s and fixing the color cast.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Photo Restoration

I am taking an internet class through Jessica that is teaching me the proper way to restore vintage photos.  I've played around with it on my own with mixed results.  I have lots of old pictures from my grandmother and mom scanned into iPhoto that need to be fixed up and I'm really excited to see how easily it can be done and with fantastic results.  Now I just have to work on about 1500 pictures and I'll be ready to put together vintage photo albums for all of my family members.  :)
Here are a couple examples of what I've learned to do today (the class today was vintage black and white or sepia, global restoration.  We'll get into color and more nitpicky things such as dust, spots and tears later).

Monday, April 26, 2010

One more

I thought I'd put up one more picture--this is one I took in February on a walk around our neighborhood.

First Post

Since I have decided to copy my friends by going to Blogger, I decided I might as well copy other friends and start a photography blog.  The goal is to really work on developing my skills, since I have a habit of getting moderately good at things and dropping them before becoming really skilled.  Photography is something I love because I can express the artistic side of me that has no other outlet (since I can't sing, draw or paint).  This is my first attempt at HDR photography from a recent trip to Zion National Park with my grandmother.